Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Orally relatives for child abuse and substance use, “court orders”, right?

Main issue merely by 100% ♥Creole♥: Is it right to be “court-ordered” to bring children about relatives who are verbally abusive & use substances?

I know the courts feel obligated to be “fair” to all parties in child-custody issues. But, when it is apparent that ONE SIDE is not healthy for the children, where is the fairness to the children??

I have to go to a “family meeting” with the father side of the family per court orders. My daughters were burned in a house fire at the paternal grandparents home and I just don’t want my girls exposed to any further trauma.

sorry, the question should have read, “…bring children AROUND relatives….”

Tawnia: though your ex sister-in-law may have been spiteful, this is not the case in my situation. When The Dept. of Justice would NOT allow visits for them initially, that should tell anyone that their “criminal” background is not healthy.

That is focused on Is it right to be “court-ordered” to bring children about relatives who are verbally abusive & use substances? you may will need to clear up problems without some help. With luck , this assists in lots of ways, and formulate your life far better. Who want focused on Is it right to be “court-ordered” to bring children about relatives who are verbally abusive & use substances? will be an option later on in life.


Answer by Learxst

This is the most idiotic thing I’ve ever heard. I know that whoever wants to see their own child should have the right to… but if they just so happen to be a child molester, drug abuser, violent, or clinically insane, should the child really be given to that parent?

It should not up to the children because they don’t know any better. But the (sane) parent should be able to decide whether or not to give the other parent custody.

Answer by jeligula

It shouldn’t be. But the only thing you can really do is bring up your objections in court. I would.

Answer by SSimmons

I got divorced from my ex when my daughter was 5 months old. He has a history with CPS becuase he was raised by the state and I still to this day do not know the full extent of his past. But I did my own divorce and he has absolutely no visitation. I am constantly in child support court and he has brought it up several times that I do not allow him to see her. She will be four in may and I have told him that if he wants to see her then he needs to contact CPS and do everything that he is required to do before he ever lays eyes on her. But she is a special needs child and he doesn’t know what to do if she went into a siezure and I do not feel safe with that. I have re-married and had another daughter and my husband is my daughters father, But i think i got off subject, my point is that he was abussive in his past and towards me, so I have court orders to keep him away from her, It didn’t help his case either that he tested positive for weed on several court ordered drug test. But you might want to check into your right as the custodial parent and your rights to protect your children.

Answer by Tawnia

The court wouldn’t order you to bring the kids around relatives that are aparent not healthy for them. I believe this is you trying to not let them see the dads family to be mean to the dad. This happened with my nephew. His mom got mad that my brother had moved on, but she brought false accusations on us and we had to take her to court to be able to see our nephew and grandson. So now we have him every other weekend.

Do know better?

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Orally relatives for child abuse and substance use, “court orders”, right?

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